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Esther's Progeny



  By Alicia J. Love

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  Other Books by Alicia J. Love

  The Seven Uniters Series



  The Seven Uniters: The Originals

  Aaria of the Seven Uniters

  Jakkob of the Seven Uniters

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 1

  Esther moved along with the beat, feeling the music reverberating in her very soul. She swayed back and forth along with the sea of sweaty dancers surrounding her, and smiled sickly to herself. Her long, dark red hair fell over her eyes as she scanned the crowd.

  Men and women danced all around her, their bodies drenched in sweat, their heart rates elevated. Esther could hear each and every one of them, her body swaying to the sound of the many heart beats that filled the room. She could smell their hormones, each of them dripping with lust and excitement, their need for sex pouring out of their pores.

  She was drunk with the smell, her arousal intense as she slowly moved through the crowd, seeking out her prey. She was looking for her new progeny, her new lover, her next companion in this long, long life. She smelled each of the men and women as she slipped by them, surveying them closely with her dark, blackened eyes that hid behind the curtain of her hair.

  Suddenly, she smelled fear coming from nearby. The intense feeling was intriguing, and she looked over at a young woman standing still a few feet from her. She was staring at Esther with a panicked look, and as Esther moved closer, she realized what she was.

  A Witch, in this God forsaken night club, staring right at her. She came to this club often, as did many of her kind, and wondered what in God’s name a Witch would be doing here. She looked at the young Witch and smiled, flashed her pointed teeth for the woman to see.

  The young woman gasped, and moved to turn, her fear peaking as she fled.

  Esther relished her scent, loving her intense fear, her predatory instincts taking over as she effortlessly moved through the swaying bodies towards the fleeing woman. She felt her lust for the girl as she followed her heartbeat, even more elevated than those of the people dancing around her.

  She then saw the woman’s long, brown hair flowing behind her, and grabbed it, pulling her to the nearest wall so fast that no one in the crowd even noticed her. She slammed the woman up against the wall, punching the wall next to her head and leaning in, breathing right in her ear as she whispered.

  “What are you doing here? Your kind are not welcome in this place,” She said seductively, breathing deeply as she sensed the young woman’s fear pulsing through her.

  As she leaned in close, she could smell everything on the woman, from her shampoo to her laundry detergent, as well as the fresh scent of her womanhood.

  “It seems you are not only a Witch, but a virgin as well,” She almost giggled as her lust took over.

  She slowly licked the woman’s cheek, and felt her shudder. She reveled in the feeling of dominating this Witch. She watched as the woman trembled, and asked her again.

  “I asked you what you were doing here, Witch. Your kind are not welcome here.”

  She opened her mouth as if to speak, but only a squeak managed to escape.

  Esther smiled, sucking in the scent of the Witch’s fear like it was crack. She nuzzled the Witch’s neck, inhaling deeply as she smelled her hair.

  “Witches aren’t welcome in this club,” She whispered seductively.

  “What are you talking about?” She managed to cry.

  Esther pulled back, looking at the woman curiously. She saw the truth in her eyes, and was taken aback. She wasn’t a Witch? Then what was she? She certainly looked like a Witch, and smelled like a Witch. As Esther leaned closer, she closed her eyes, allowing her senses to tell her the truth. There it was, a hint of something else. A Witch, but not a Witch.

  She opened her eyes, astounded at this new, unfamiliar something that stood before her.

  “So, not a Witch?” She said, running her hands through the trembling girl’s hair.

  “So then what are you?” She asked.

  The young woman looked at her incredulously, and Ester realized that she might not even know that she was different.

  “I—I don’t know, I am human!” She cried.

  Tears streamed down her face as she gave Esther a pleading look. Ester had sensed it, though. The little trace of doubt as she spoke her words.

  “You don’t know what you are?” She asked, genuinely intrigued by this strange girl.

  “I—I swear to you, I am human,” She said once more, looking down.

  The crowd of people continued to sway behind them and they could both feel the beat of the music in their feet as it bumped loudly into the club. The lights flashed around them, and in the midst of the flickers of fear she saw a flicker of something else on the woman’s face. Relief, she realized, and she felt the woman suddenly relax.

  “You are lying, you know you are different. You know you are not human. But why the sudden change in attitude? You seem to have calmed down,” Esther said quietly in the girl’s ear.

  “You aren’t going to hurt me,” She replied quietly.

  “And what would make you believe that?” Ester asked.

  “I—I saw it,” She replied, her voice cracking as she admitted something she had never admitted before.

  Esther pulled back and looked at the girl right in her eyes. A Seer? But no one had seen a Seer in over a century. They had been hunted, along with the Witches, and the last of their line had been burned at the stake. She had been there, at the trial, when the last of the Seer was burned. She had only been a child at the time, but her line was eradicated completely.

  Yet, here this woman was, standing before her, with the ability to see the future. She bit her lip, her excitement growing. There were legends of the different powers of the Seer, and also legends on what a Seer could become if she mixed with some other supernatural being. As she recalled the different mixes, the girl suddenly sucked in her breath, gasping.

  “No, I don’t want to become a Vampire,” She said desperately.

  Esther smiled as the girl once again saw what was to come. She licked her lips greedily as she studied the girl before her. She just hoped that she would be able to survive the transformation.

  She reached out, pinching the nerve in the girl’s shoulder as she slumped over, and then carried her with ease, swiftly out of the club and down the road. When she reached her car, she popped the trunk, placing the unconscious girl gently inside.

  “I don’t actually care if you want to become a Vampire or not, little Seer. I am going to turn you regardless. Best not to fight,” She whispered.

  She then closed the trunk and got behind the wheel, beginning her journey home where the Seer would become hers.

  Chapter 2

  Esther paced in the living roo
m of her mansion, waiting for sounds from the unconscious Seer upstairs.

  A Seer, she had found a Seer. She couldn’t believe her luck as she paced, a wicked smile on her face.

  The girl was pretty, too. And smart, from what Esther had gathered. She had been dressed conservatively for the club, and Esther had been able to smell the slightest hint of ink and paper from her fingertips.

  Esther figured she was a college student, probably pressured by her friends to go out to the club. Her reluctance to go out that night had been accurate in more ways than one, Esther mused as she licked her lips.

  She continued to pace across her living room, circling her large, white sofa and loveseat that filled the room. She was anxious, a feeling she hadn’t felt in decades, and she could almost see the path she was carving out in her white, cashmere area rug.

  She sighed, moving over to the white table that faced the wall of windows, and took a seat. She looked out over the dark sea, the starlit night sky reflecting in the shifting waters. It was so dark that she couldn’t tell where the sky ended and the ocean began.

  She opened the laptop that was on the desk, waiting for it to awaken impatiently. She then searched the web for anything and everything she could find on Seers, but to no avail. The real thing had died out so long ago that the internet was full of myths and legends, as well as plenty of game references.

  She sat back, reflecting on all of the rumors about crossing a Seer with a Vampire.

  Cross species were forbidden on so many levels, but there were plenty of them in the world, anyway. The benefits of crossing two supernatural beings together were almost inconceivable.

  She had met a man once, who had been a Witch in his mortal life, and had then been unwillingly turned into a Vampire. He had extraordinary powers.

  He had all of his Witch powers, as well as the powers of a Vampire. He also ended up with a special gift, one the world hadn’t seen before. He could use his Witch powers without a spell or a ceremony. Normally, for a Witch to invoke their powers, they were required to go through a long and complicated ritual, using tools and calling on the spirits to aid them. This man, however, could make things happen with a flick of his finger. He was powerful and immortal, and even most supernatural beings saw him as a God.

  The combination of a Vampire and a Seer had never actually happened, or at least not that Esther had ever heard of. There were rumors that such a combination would create the most powerful being in existence.

  Esther felt herself actually tremble with excitement, something that hadn’t occurred in as long as she could remember. Being over two hundred years old, she rarely felt much out of life. Life got rather boring when you had done everything there was to do.

  She closed her eyes, feeling the emotions she hadn’t felt in so long, relishing them. She had forgotten what it felt like to get excited. It was almost foreign, like she was tripping on some new kind of drug, suddenly feeling after so long.

  She opened her eyes, glancing up at the ceiling, wondering what would come of her new progeny, sleeping soundly above her head. She wondered what kind of powers she would have after Esther turned her.

  She felt her mouth tingle in anticipation, and suddenly she could hear the girl’s mortal blood pumping through her body. She hissed, wanting to consume the girl above her. She needed to wait, though. She needed to know a bit more about this girl before she turned her.

  A new Vampire can be very hard to communicate with, and she might be completely unreachable during the first few months. Esther needed to learn about this girl’s family, and figure out where she came from. She might not be the only Seer.

  The Seer was a bloodline, and she might have siblings that were also Seer. Esther needed to know, thoughts of a Seer-Vampire cross species army flitting through her head. She would be invincible.

  She grinned wickedly, licking her lips at the thought. She looked up again, wondering when the Seer would awaken. She strained her ears for sound, only to be once again greeted by the blood pumping rhythmically through the girl’s veins.

  Her hunger became almost overwhelming, and she realized that she needed to feed before confronting this girl. She couldn’t create a cross species Vampire if the Seer was dead, after all.

  She stood, leaving the living room and heading down into the cellar. She opened the door slowly, revealing the naked woman sitting, shackled, inside. The woman screeched, backing into the corner as the door opened.

  Esther came in, leaving the door open, and unshackled the woman from the wall. She picked up the woman with ease, looking into her eyes.

  “Calm down, I am your friend, your lover, and you want me to drink from you,” she said smoothly, her voice like silk as she Glamoured the woman.

  The woman instantly relaxed, smiling at Esther and leaning in to kiss her.

  Esther carried the woman with Vampire speed to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. She quickly removed her clothes, joining the woman in her nakedness.

  She lay down on the bed beside her mesmerized lover, and began to kiss her neck.

  The woman shivered and moaned beneath her, and Esther moved her hand south, giving the woman what she wanted.

  She then opened her mouth wide, biting into the woman’s flesh, feeling the blood gush into her mouth. She groaned, still pleasing the tense, shaking woman with her hand, allowing her Vampire venom to intoxicate her.

  As the venom rushed through the woman’s body, she suddenly relaxed, moaning even louder than before, begging for her to bite her harder as they continued to make love, and Esther continued to feed on her.

  When they had finished, she pricked her finger on her sharp teeth, allowing a few drops of blood to fall onto the open wound on the woman’s neck. It sealed instantly, and the woman looked at her lovingly.

  “Why do I have to go back into the cellar?” She asked, obviously tired from their experiences.

  “Because, love, my Glamour wears off and then you become scared again,” Esther replied, picking the weak woman up again.

  “I am not scared of you, silly,” The woman said.

  “I love you.”

  Esther laughed, looking down at the woman as she carried her back down to the cellar.

  “You don’t love me, sweetie, you just think you do,” She said.

  She set the woman down in the cellar, shackling her hands once again.

  “Maybe I wouldn’t be so scared if I wasn’t locked down here,” She said.

  “But I like locking you down here,” Esther replied, laughing as she shut the door behind her.

  She heard the woman begin to sob, and smiled wickedly to herself.

  Chapter 3

  Esther heard shuffling coming from the upstairs and moved excitedly, wanting to greet her future progeny. She flew up the stairs with Vampire speed and then opened the door, sitting down on the bed silently as the girl began to waken. She groaned, and then rolled over, struggling to open her eyes.

  She then saw Esther sitting at the end of her bed and she squealed, backing up against the headboard in her attempt to get away.

  “Please, just let me go. I don’t want to be a Vampire-Seer cross, I don’t even want to be a Seer! Please, just let me go, you don’t even know what will happen to me when you turn me!” She said knowingly.

  Esther was once again taken aback by her knowledge of the future, and then asked her a daunting question.

  “Do you know what will happen after I turn you?” She said.

  The girl looked at her questioningly, and then closed her eyes, trying to focus on something. She opened them and shook her head.

  “No, I can’t see anything beyond you choosing to turn me. I am sorry,” She said quietly.

  Esther wondered why she couldn’t see, and then realized that maybe she simply didn’t know. According to common knowledge, the crossing of a Vampire and a Seer had never taken place, so maybe the outcome was simply unpredictable.

  She felt her excitement growing once again. It wasn’t every day
that she was faced with mystery. After 200 years of alone time, she had learned everything there was needed to know and then some. It was rare that she would come across something new, and her need for knowledge was tantalizing.

  “You know what I am going to ask you, then?” Esther said, testing the girl’s abilities.

  She nodded nervously.

  “You are going to be disappointed, though,” the girl said, not meeting her eyes, trembling with fear.

  “What do you mean?” Esther said, her curiosity burning inside of her.

  The girl shook her head.

  “I don’t have any answers for you. I was adopted.”

  Esther’s curiosity peaked upon hearing those words, her determination to discover the truth about this girl almost incomprehensible. She watched as the girl before her shuddered.

  “My parents died a few years ago, and I don’t know anything about my adoption or where the paperwork might be.”

  Esther then decided, the rush of the unknown filling her with passion.

  The girl looked at her, knowing her plan.

  “Really?” She asked.

  Esther nodded.

  “We are going to find your real parents, and figure out where you came from.”

  Chapter 4

  The girl’s name was Katie. She was a Seer, and knew nothing of her background or her family lineage. Esther sat in the recliner in her pristine living room, sipping on her scotch as she pondered the mysterious girl. She closed her eyes, listening keenly as Katie moved in the room above her.

  She could hear her heartbeat as it raced, and Esther smiled. She was probably trying to come up with some sort of escape plan, but Esther could sense her indecision. Her inner battle was intense, and Esther could practically hear the girl’s thoughts as she argued with herself. The way she moved roughly through her room, the way she paced across the floor. She was frustrated and confused.

  She wanted to know who her parents were. And she had every right to know, Esther mused. Her deep seeded curiosity would make the whole process easier. Esther took another sip of her drink, her own curiosity boiling within her.