Esther's Progeny Read online

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  They were going to travel to Katie’s hometown, which was on the other side of the country. After her parents had died, Katie had applied for colleges as far from their memory as she could get. She finally ended up here in the hot, vibrant city of Los Angeles.

  Esther had already booked their airline tickets, and they were set to leave in a few hours to board a plane to Salem, Massachusetts. Esther smiled at the irony of the girl’s hometown. Growing up where the line of Seers was originally eradicated. Upon learning of the girl’s hometown, she had only been even more curious, wondering if maybe the line wasn’t eradicated, after all.

  Maybe, just maybe, someone had escaped the flames of the Witch trials and ended up secretly continuing the Seer’s blood line. Or, maybe it was simply a really odd coincidence. She sighed, feeling impatient for the first time in centuries as she listened to the girl upstairs.

  Suddenly, she heard Katie sigh deeply and flop down onto her bed. That was what she was waiting for. Her resignation. Katie had given up on her escape plan and finally decided to go with her. She got up, climbing the stairs quickly and quietly and slipping into the room, sitting next to her on the bed.

  The bed creaked ever so slightly as she sat, and Katie jumped, startled by her silent entry. Esther smiled, always keen to impress someone with her Vampire powers.

  Katie had a pillow on her face, and quickly removed it, looking at Esther with shock in her eyes.

  “You scared me,” She said.

  “I do that,” Esther replied, amused.

  “So, we are leaving soon, then?” Katie said, sounding defeated.

  Esther nodded.

  “We will swing by your place and pick up some of your things, first. So we have to leave early, after I feed,” She smiled, looking at Katie, waiting for her reaction.

  Katie stared at her, and then gasped.

  “No, don’t do it, the poor woman!” She cried.

  “Well, I can’t let her go,” Esther said, grinning at the tears brimming the girl’s eyes.

  Katie sobbed, obviously seeing what was to come.

  “Be ready in an hour,” Esther said before leaving the room.

  She went down into the cellar, opening the door where the woman lay on the ground, broken. She looked up at Esther’s arrival.

  “It’s time again,” She said quietly.

  Esther moved into the room, kneeling down beside the woman and grabbing her by her chin, looking her in her eyes. The woman stared back, ready to be Glamoured before she was fed on.

  Esther smiled, staying silent as she moved the woman’s head to the side, exposing her neck.

  “What are you doing?” She said desperately, struggling to break free.

  “I don’t think a Glamour is necessary this time, my love,” Esther said wickedly.

  The woman struggled beneath her, as she felt Esther’s teeth get near her exposed neck. Esther felt a sick, animalistic satisfaction as she smelled the woman’s fear.

  “But…no! NO!” The woman began to scream.

  Esther moved back, looking the woman in the eyes again.

  “Don’t you scream, you little bitch,” Esther snarled.

  “Just for that, I am not going to bite you. You won’t feel my venom, only the pain of being sliced open and bleeding to death,” she said, using her nail to slice open the woman’s neck.

  The woman screamed, blood filling her mouth as she gargled and sputtered, trying to say something with her dying breath. Esther kissed her neck softly, sucking the blood gushing from the open wound. She felt the woman shuddering and struggling beneath her weakly, and she relished the moment.

  As her movements became weaker and weaker, Esther drank deeper, resisting the urge to sink her fangs into the woman’s smooth flesh. She wanted her to die painfully.

  Finally, the woman went limp, her life force leaving her body. Esther felt the rush of death as she drank the remaining blood from the woman’s body, and sighed, the feeling almost orgasmic. She sat up, satisfied, and then moved to a cupboard on the far side of the room.

  She took one last glance at the woman’s lifeless body before dousing it with gasoline. She then left the room, throwing a match through the crack in the large, solid, metal door before closing it, allowing everything inside to burn to a crisp.

  Chapter 5

  As they pulled up to the airport, the sky was dark and covered in clouds. They stepped out of their cab, pulling their bags from the truck and stepping into the airport. Esther went straight for the terminal, ignoring all of security as Katie followed close behind. She felt Katie’s wonder as they moved through the airport almost undetected. She smiled once again.

  As they reached the gate, they simply walked onto the boarding ramp without checking their tickets, moving with the crowd completely unnoticed as they took their seats on the plane. Once seated, they seemed to be in their own little bubble, completely ignored by the rest of the passengers in first class.

  As the plane began to fill up, a flight attendant moved past them. Esther reached her hand out, grabbing the woman roughly by the arm, and looked deep into her eyes.

  “A scotch, please, and whatever you have for the in flight meal for the lady, here,” Esther said, nodding towards Katie.

  The flight attendant nodded, looking dazed, and quickly retrieved their order.

  Katie shifted uncomfortably next to Esther.

  “What’s the matter? Eat, come on, you haven’t eaten since yesterday,” Esther said menacingly.

  She watched Katie tremble, once again enjoying her fear.

  Katie nervously nodded, and began to eat. Esther sipped her drink, wondering about the strange girl next to her and pondering what they might find in Salem.

  The flight was uneventful, and as they stepped off of the plane in Boston and walked through the airport, Esther looked at the clock, realizing the time. It was almost morning here on the eastern side of the country, and she quickly pulled Katie with her. They exited the airport and walked across the street to a hotel, booking a room to stay for the day.

  As Esther pulled shut all of the blinds in the hotel room, she looked at Katie, wondering if she might try to escape.

  “You know that I will find you if you leave, right?” She asked.

  Katie nodded, still trembling.

  “Just in case,” Esther said as she moved across the room.

  She grabbed the door handle, ripping it off with a quick motion, and then pushed on the door, making certain it was secure.

  She then locked the deadbolt, and pulled the handle off, leaving it stuck in place as well. She held up the handles, grinning.

  “There,” Esther said wickedly.

  “Now you can’t escape.”

  Katie looked devastated as Esther pulled herself into the bed, preparing to sleep. She smiled, glad that the girl was still frightened of her, before falling into darkness.

  Chapter 6

  Esther opened her eyes, waking from her slumber, and realized that the girl’s scent was gone. She shot up, looking around, only to see the room around her empty. She looked over towards the door and saw it ajar. She moved to the door swiftly, smelling the air around it.

  She could smells traces of cleaning products and dirty linens. Housekeeping must have stopped by and opened the door from the outside, she realized. It couldn’t have been long since the door had been opened, and Esther quickly moved down the hall, following Katie’s scent. It led her to the elevator, and Esther got on, heading down to the lobby.

  As the doors slid open, she smelled Katie once again, and this time the scent was stronger. She looked around at the people milling around the lobby, searching for the source of the scent. She spotted Katie, sitting at a small table in front of a coffee stand.

  Esther moved with Vampire speed through the crowd, lightly taking the seat opposite her. She glared at Katie, who didn’t seem surprised by her arrival.

  “I was starving, and you were practically dead. I tried to wake you, or rather, I was going to tr
y, but then I saw that it wasn’t going to work so I called housekeeping to come open the door for me.”

  Esther looked at her angrily, trying to instill the fear in her once again, but saw only a flicker in the girl’s eyes. Something was different, something had changed during her slumber.

  “What happened?” She asked curiously.

  Katie shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee.

  “I guess I just…accepted my fate,” She said before returning to her food.

  Esther felt her anger sizzling inside. The girl was no longer afraid of her, which pissed her off immensely. She sat back, almost like a child, crossing her arms in frustration.

  Since the discovery of Katie, she had felt more emotions than she had in as long as she could remember. She was fascinated, curious, passionate and intrigued, feelings she had rarely experienced. There was something else, though. This young woman had a way of getting under her skin, and she didn’t like it.

  Normally, she would have immediately bitten her prospective progeny, and been done with it. But this human, she came with so much baggage. Esther needed her to remain human until they figured out the answers to her many burning questions.

  She sighed, frustrated that this girl was causing her so much duress. She watched the mortal eat and felt something else stirring inside of her. There was something she couldn’t get out of her head. They way she kept pushing her bangs back from her eyes as she ate. It was a little quirk, but it bothered Esther for some reason.

  She couldn’t figure out why it bugged her so much, and suddenly found herself angry. She imagined ripping the bangs right out of Katie’s skull, and then sucking her dry without a moment’s hesitation. Of course, even in her fantasy, she found herself hesitating. She once again let out a frustrated sigh and then spoke.

  “So, we need to find out where you were adopted from. The agency would be a start. Where do you think we can find that out?” She asked.

  “My house,” Katie replied sadly.

  “You still have your house?” Esther asked, surprised.

  Katie nodded, gazing down at the floor sadly before speaking.

  “I haven’t touched it since my parents died.”

  “Well, better late than never,” Esther said.

  Katie finished up and they left the hotel, heading for her old house.


  As they stepped up to the porch, Katie hesitated, reluctant to go inside.

  Esther pushed past her, rolling her eyes at the girl’s sentimental and naïve attitude, and ripped the door open.

  She glanced back angrily, before gesturing for Katie to go inside.

  She stood on the porch as Katie stepped inside, shifting impatiently. She immediately followed her, placing the broken door back into place behind them.

  “I don’t have to invite you in?” Katie asked.

  “Are you kidding? Of all the myths about Vampires, that one makes the least sense. How would that even happen? We are not magic, we are simply a different kind of being. Stop being an idiot,” Esther replied angrily.

  Katie looked down, embarrassed, and Esther felt herself even more irritated than before.

  “Let’s just find the information we need and get out of this dump,” She spat at Katie, who looked offended.

  Upon seeing the hurt in her eyes, Esther felt something stir within her, something she had long forgotten. She shook herself, shoving Katie aside as she moved through the house.

  They looked everywhere, from the kitchen drawers to the filing cabinet in the office, only to come up with nothing. As Esther moved through the house, looking in every nook and cranny she could find, she found herself becoming more and more frustrated. Once again, she was feeling childish emotions as she suddenly felt the urge to throw something across the room.

  She took a deep breath, and the moved through the house at top speed, stopping next to Katie, who was looking underneath her parent’s bed.

  She was lying on the floor, struggling to fit underneath the bed, trying to reach something. Esther sighed as she watched her try to squeeze into the small space, and grabbed the bed with one hand. She lifted it up, allowing Katie to scoot forward on her stomach and grab the old shoe box sitting on the floor.

  She looked up at Esther thankfully as she got up, moving back as she set the bed back down gently. Esther glared at her, before gesturing to the box in her hands.

  They sat down on the bed and opened the box, spilling its contents out onto the comforter between them. Katie sifted through the paperwork, finally picking something up and handing it to Esther.

  “Here,” She said.

  Esther looked down at the paper and read. It was her adoption paperwork, alright. And, it had information on her birth mother. She was listed as deceased, died giving birth to Katie. She glanced up, seeing the despair in Katie’s eyes, seeing that she already knew of her birth mother’s fate.

  As Esther scanned the paper, she found what she was looking for. Her birth mother’s name. She felt her excitement brewing as she read the woman’s last name.

  “Abigail Corey,” She said breathlessly.

  She looked up at Katie with wonder in her eyes, something her cold, dark eyes hadn’t held in centuries.

  “Do you have a computer?” She said.

  Katie nodded and led her down the hall to the office. She booted up the computer and Esther sat down, typing something into the search bar before turning the screen excitedly towards Katie.

  “See?” She said, pointing at the screen.

  The page was about Martha and Giles Corey, a husband and wife that were executed during the Salem Witch Trials. Esther watched as Katie understood.

  “The last of the Seers were burned during the Witch trials. One of them was Martha Corey. Although she denied all of the allegations against her, she was different. She must have had a child that no one knew about…” Esther trailed off, her voice filled with wonder.

  “So that explains it. The child must have grown up somewhere else, not knowing of their history as a Seer. They must have simply survived by keeping their gift secret for all these years, never knowing what they were…”

  Esther sat back in her chair, amazed that a line of Seer could have slipped through the cracks. She quickly typed in Abigail’s name, finding her records with ease.

  “Look at this,” She said, pointing at the screen once more.

  “She had no family. Her parents died when she was young and they had no siblings. It seems you are the sole heir in the line of Seers.”

  Katie looked at the screen in awe, but not at the information about Abigail, but at her picture. On the screen before her was the image of a beautiful woman that looked a lot like Katie. Esther noticed the tears welling up in Katie’s eyes and suddenly reached for her, wiping away the moisture with her thumb.

  Katie was shocked at the gesture, and looked into Esther’s eyes, holding her gaze for a moment. Esther looked concerned, when suddenly her eyes darkened and she stood, kicking the chair across the room before almost vanishing as she ran away.

  She left Katie standing there in shock as she tried to pull herself together.

  What the hell was wrong with her? She was feeling everything, after being so bored with her life for so long. It was as if this girl had broken the floodgates and all of her emotions were suddenly on the surface. She was pissed, and once again imagined hurting Katie for bringing about all of these emotions. Esther felt weak, and needed to feel strong again.

  She needed to turn her, and she needed to do it now.

  Chapter 7

  Esther moved up the stairs angrily, opening the door to the office with a wicked grin on her face. Katie was standing there, a sad look on her face, as she prepared to be taken.

  Esther picked her up and led her down the hall to her old room, throwing her down onto the bed and straddling her. She looked up at Esther, her eyes pleading for her to stop, but Esther ignored it. She grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head aside roughly before sinking her teeth i
nto Katie’s flesh.

  She sucked, feeling Katie’s body shudder beneath her as her venom filled her. Suddenly, Katie started moaning, filled with the ecstasy of Esther’s venom, wrapping her arms around her as she drank deeply. Esther allowed her to pull her down, enjoying her sudden shift in attitude as she desperately tried to grind herself on Esther’s body.

  The venom was powerful stuff, better than any drug and any orgasm in the world. She pulled back, seeing the desperation in Katie’s eyes as she tried to pull her back down. She felt herself hesitate as she looked into Katie’s drugged eyes, but immediately snapped herself out of it.

  She caressed her soft skin, moving her hands down to give Katie the pleasure she desired, before flipping herself around, lying underneath her, knowing that she would do anything Esther wanted in order to feel good. She ripped off her pants, enjoying the hunger that was evident in Katie’s eyes as she revealed her soft, cold legs.

  Esther reached down, using her nail to slice into her own flesh on her upper thigh, and then grabbed Katie by her hair and shoved her head down. She felt the girl’s tongue flick out to taste the blood on her thigh, tasting its wonderful flavor before hungrily sucking, drinking Esther’s blood passionately.

  Esther stroked her hair as she drank, finally grabbing it and pulling her back when she had enough. She then flipped her around, mounting her once more, tearing off her pants to drink from the artery in her thigh as well. She listened to Katie scream with delight, over and over as she sucked, before she finally passed out, unconscious from the blood loss.

  Esther could sense her on the brink, her life force hovering on the edge, and she stopped, leaving Katie just inches from death. The process was complete. Now, all she needed to do was wait.

  Chapter 8

  It had been 24 hours and she still hadn’t woken up. Esther paced the room impatiently, worry eating away at her as she watched Katie’s unconscious form in her bed. Her sheets were still soaked with their blood, and she still lay there, half naked and sprawled out.