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Esther's Progeny Page 3

She could hear the tiny movements inside of her body as the changes took place. Her heartbeat slowed and her blood thickened, and her muscles tightened. Her skin hardened and her teeth sharpened, but she remained unconscious and Esther couldn’t help but start to think she would never wake up.

  What if she had killed the last Seer in existence? She wanted to kick herself for not considering this before. No one had changed a Seer, right? Maybe it wasn’t that no one had tried, but that Seers simply couldn’t be changed into Vampires. She felt some startling emotions as well, as she gazed at Katie. She felt…remorseful. And, she realized, she cared what happened to Katie. Not what happened to her because she was a Seer and she wanted to create a super Vampire, but she cared about Katie as a person.

  She shook her head and spat on the carpet, spitting out the unwanted feelings.

  She paced there for what seemed like a century, her anxiety rising, before she finally heard her stir.

  As Katie woke up, she groaned. She opened her eyes, and Esther was immediately beside her, making sure she was okay. She looked up at Esther weakly, before her eyes widened and slid back inside of her head.

  The whites of her eyes were all that Esther could see as she began to scream. Katie’s body went rigid and convulsed as she screeched as loudly as she could. She was having some sort of seizure, and Esther tried to hold her down as she shook on the bed.

  What was happening to her? Esther felt panicked as she tried to control Katie’s convulsing form beneath her, kicking out and screaming bloody murder. She was foaming at the mouth, and blood seeped from the corners of her white eyes as she shook.

  Finally, her eyes snapped shut and she collapsed on the bed. She was breathing deeply and she seemed exhausted as she struggled to open her eyes. She looked up and saw the panic in Esther’s eyes.

  She opened her mouth to speak, forcing the words out.

  “I am going to die,” She said, her voice raspy.

  “I am going to die!”

  With that, she sunk into the bed, her body going limp as she slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 9

  Esther once again paced back and forth across Katie’s old room, trying to figure out what had happened. She was going to die? She must have had a vision, Esther realized, recalling how Katie’s eyes had flipped back into her head.

  But, why would she die? She wondered if she had made a mistake after all. Maybe there was a reason why there had never been a Seer and Vampire cross breed. Maybe they simply weren’t possible.

  She continued to pace, her emotions going wild inside of her. She couldn’t take it, and left the room, running with Vampire speed out of the house and down the block. It was dark out, the perfect time for her to find something to eat.

  She couldn’t stand the chaotic emotions rushing through her system, and attacked the first person she saw. A young man, in his early twenties, who was getting out of his car. She shoved him back inside, leaning him back in the driver’s seat and straddling him, slamming the car door shut behind her.

  She looked into his eyes, which were filled with panic, and Glamoured him.

  “You are going to enjoy this. This is the best moment of your life so far,” She whispered maliciously as her hands worked on his pants.

  She easily tore a hole in the jeans she was wearing, and lowered herself down. She grabbed his hair and exposed his neck, sinking her teeth into his flesh. She drank from him deeply, moving with him as he moaned into her hair. She felt his body shudder as she drank, and felt a sick satisfaction.

  With her emotions all over the place, she wanted to kill him, to suck him dry and drink his very life force right there in the car. But, this was Salem, and she couldn’t take that risk. Only moments before he would have passed out from blood loss she reluctantly pulled her mouth from his soft neck.

  She bit her finger, allowing a few drops of her blood to fall on his wound, watching as it slowly closed. She stayed with him, until both of them had been satisfied, before slipping out of the car, leaving him sitting there, his pants undone and his jaw slack, dumbfounded.

  She wiped the blood from her mouth before slipping through the night, back to the old house where Katie was unconscious.

  As she slipped into the house, she sensed something. She froze, feeling the presence of another. She then moved, grabbing the intruder by the arms and pinning them behind his back as she tried to slam him up against the wall.

  She was shocked by his strength, though, as she was thrown back, slammed down onto the sofa quietly. The man stood over her, his eyes flashing in the darkness as she looked back. She was taken aback by his power, and stared up at him, trying to figure out who he was.

  “You changed someone,” He said, his voice low and daunting.

  She remained silent, sitting up on the couch and brushing herself off.

  “The laws in Salem are strict. You cannot change someone within the city limits without the permission of the council. You have been summoned to see the council and plead your case, Esther Nightingale.”

  Esther then heard the smallest shuffling from Katie’s room, and realized they were taking her. She moved quickly to go after them, but the man moved quicker, blocking her way.

  “You both must come with us to see the council.”

  Esther recalled her last visit to Salem, when the council had been created, after the Witch Trials. She tried to remember everyone who had been elected, but couldn’t. She remembered one thing, though. They were all very, very old. She realized that it might be best not to resist.

  Slowly she nodded, and followed the man as he escorted her out of the house. She saw another Vampire standing in the front yard, holding Katie in his arms.

  “There is something wrong with this one,” He said to the man.

  The man nodded, before speaking.

  “She is rejecting the change.”

  He glanced over at Esther curiously, before they all raced down the street towards the hidden council chambers.

  Chapter 10

  The Vampire council was located underneath city hall. As they descended into the ground, Esther felt herself suddenly worried about Katie, and shook her head, trying to rid herself of such thoughts. She hadn’t felt anything of substance in so long, and all of these feelings suddenly being stirred up inside of her just made her angry.

  She burned with anger as she entered the council’s chambers, her eyes adjusting to the flickering of the firelight that lit the room.

  She smirked. They hadn’t bothered to change the place since the council had been formed. It was essentially a cave, with seats and benches carved into stone. She felt a flicker of anxiety, though, realizing that these old council members were more than likely about as old fashioned and strict as someone could get, which would not be helpful in her case.

  The man carrying Katie laid her still unconscious form onto one of the benches at the forefront of the room, in plain view of the council, and Esther was led up to a podium. As she stood, the members of the council glared at her threateningly.

  “You have changed someone in the city limits of Salem. Did you know that such and act is strictly forbidden?” The woman in the center seat asked her coldly.

  “No, ma’am, I was not aware. My progeny and I are simply visiting the city. She grew up here and wanted to visit her old home before the change took place.”

  The woman peered down at her, obviously not buying it.

  “Are you aware that Katie Anderson, the girl you attempted to turn into a Vampire, is, in fact, one of the last remaining Seer on the planet?”

  Esther felt the little bit of color drain from her face.

  “Yes, I was aware of that,” She said, her voice steady.

  The councilwoman once again glared at her angrily.

  “Did you know that Katie, as well as her family, have been protected by the council for over 100 years?”

  Crap, Esther thought, hearing the news. She had turned someone protected by the council. She was definitely in troub
le. She tried to figure out what to do, but came up with nothing.

  “No, ma’am, I was not aware of that,” She said quietly.

  The woman was obviously furious as she stared Esther down. Esther, not used to being intimidated, was angry as well, but held her tongue. She was out of her league here, and felt powerless. In comparison to these old Vampires, she was merely a child, and could do nothing to stop them.

  Suddenly, Katie stirred, shifting on the hard bench before opening her eyes and slowly sitting up, looking around the room, frightened.

  “Where am I?” She said, scared, before she spotted Esther.

  Esther felt herself flood with relief that Katie had finally woken up. When Katie locked eyes with her, she saw Katie’s relief as well. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, before Esther realized what was going on and looked away fiercely, telling her emotions to quiet down.

  Her anger once again surged as she felt things she hadn’t felt in over decades, and she imagined tearing her own stomach with her hands in her rage. She realized her anger was getting out of control at that moment, and tried to stifle all of her thoughts and feelings, focusing back on the councilwoman.

  The councilwoman was looking at Katie curiously.

  “She is rejecting the change,” She stated, looking over at the two men that had escorted them here.

  Esther glanced over to see both of them nodding.

  “Does anyone have record of a Seer and Vampire cross breeding?” The councilwoman said, looking at her fellow council members.

  Esther felt herself suddenly fill with hope, before seeing the other members of the council all shake their heads.

  The council woman looked at Katie.

  “Katie, did you see what would happen to you after Esther turned you?” She asked.

  Katie looked over at Esther, hoping for her approval. Esther once again felt her anger surge, before she nodded.

  “I am going to die,” Katie said quietly.

  The councilwoman peered at her, disappointment on her face.

  “When did you discover this?” She said.

  “After I woke up, after Esther changed me,” Katie said nervously.

  “Do you know how long you have?” The councilwoman asked.

  Katie once again glanced over at Esther guiltily before replying.

  “One month,” She said sadly.

  Esther suddenly felt as if her world was falling apart. Only one month? She looked at Katie with her mouth open in shock, and felt tears brimming her eyes as she was once again filled with emotions. She had to figure out how to save her, she realized.

  “That’s one month to figure out how to fix this,” She said sternly, addressing the council.

  “You said she was one of the last Seer on the planet?”

  The councilwoman, taken aback by Esther’s determination, nodded.

  “There is a tribe in South America, where one line of Seer still exists.”

  “Then that is where we are going,” Esther said, her determination growing.

  The councilwoman nodded, glancing over at the other council members, seeking their approval. They all were nodding as well, and she spoke once more.

  “Derek, please go with them. I want a full report when you get back,” she said, gesturing to the men behind Esther.

  Esther looked back and saw the man that had thrown her on the couch nodding, and felt angry once again. She didn’t like that he had so easily taken her down, and her ego was definitely bruised. She smirked at him angrily as their eyes met, and she saw a grin playing over his lips.

  She looked away, focusing on Katie, who was trying to get up.

  “We need to get you some food,” Esther said as she helped Katie to her feet.

  “I can’t,” She said, looking at Esther sadly.

  “What?” Esther said.

  “I can’t eat anything. That is why I am going to die, Esther. I am going to starve to death.”

  Esther looked at her in horror, and then glanced around at the council. They were also horrified, and Esther once again felt her eyes brimming with tears.

  What a terrible way to die, Esther thought as she helped Katie from the cave.

  Chapter 11

  They took a private jet supplied by the council, and the three of them were spread out on the plane, ignoring each other. Esther was sitting in the back, angry, when she saw Derek get up and move towards her.

  Derek sat down next to Esther, grinning at her playfully.

  “So, why don’t you just let her die?” He asked.

  She looked over at him, menacingly.

  “The council ordered me to help her, don’t you remember?” She said angrily.

  He looked at her, still smiling.

  “Yeah, but that’s not why you are doing this,” He said.

  She ignored him, turning away from his teasing smile.

  “Alright,” He said sarcastically before moving away.

  Katie was shifting uncomfortably in her seat, and Esther moved next to her, annoyed.

  “Why are you so nervous? Are you hungry or something?”

  She immediately regretted her words and looked down.

  “No, I am not hungry at all. I am not going to be,” She said.

  “What?” Esther asked.

  “I am not going to want anything, or be able to eat anything for the rest of my life.”

  Esther felt stunned by this, recalling the insane blood lust she had experienced when she had been turned.

  “Well, stop shifting around then, you are stressing me out,” She said coldly, hiding the concern she was feeling inside.

  She moved back to her seat and sat back, her arms crossed as she closed her eyes, sleeping a little before they landed.


  The plane touched down and she got up, ignoring Katie as she rose from her seat.

  As they stepped off of the plane into the dark but hot, thick climate that was Manaus, Brazil, Esther stretched gratefully. Their flight had been 11 hours long, and she was thankful to finally be free. She glanced back as Katie stepped weakly down the stairs. She had been avoiding Katie since they had left Salem, afraid of the hurricane of feelings swirling around inside of her.

  She watched as Derek came behind her, carrying their luggage with ease. He gracefully swept down the steps and then loaded their bags into the black sedan that was waiting for them. Esther tried to appreciate the few moments they would have before once again being cramped inside of a car for hours.

  Katie looked at her cautiously, as if asking permission to approach her, and she once again nodded, her anger boiling at the unfamiliar feelings sparked within her.

  “Thank you,” Katie said quietly as she leaned against the car next to Esther.

  Esther looked at her questioningly.

  “For what?” She asked bitterly, still angry at the confusing feelings.

  “For trying to help me,” She said.

  Esther looked down, suddenly feeling even more than she had before. She kicked the dirt on the ground and turned away, trying to hide the emotion in her eyes.

  “Yeah, whatever,” She said rudely, before moving away.

  She grabbed the car door and resisted the urge to rip it off as she opened it. She slipped into the back seat with Vampire speed and slammed the door behind her. She felt the door bend, and realized she had dented it. She opened it once again, slamming it back into place angrily, before closing it once more.

  She fumed for a few minutes, before she began to feel concerned for Katie again. As much as she didn’t want to feel these feelings, she couldn’t seem to help it. After all of these years, and all of her acquaintances, lovers, and progenies, she had never felt so strongly for one before.

  In fact, she had only felt this way once before, and it was back when she was a mortal. She recalled the man whom she had planned to marry, and that was when it hit her. She was feeling the same feeling for Katie. She shook her head, ridding herself of the atrocious thoughts, and gritted her te
eth, angry once again.

  She wondered if the people in the Korubo tribe would be able to help them.

  The door across from her then opened, and Katie sat down beside her. She then saw the driver’s side door open, and Derek got behind the wheel. He glanced back at her through the rear view mirror, before starting up the engine.

  Katie stayed quiet beside her, and Esther leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes, recalling once again all they knew about the Korubo tribe.

  The tribe had been discovered in the nineties and was still protected and preserved. Apparently, when they were discovered, it had been discovered that the tribe was home to an unknown Seer bloodline. Several members of the supernatural world had been working to keep them a secret.

  They didn’t know much, and as they traveled into the depths of the Amazon, Esther felt herself beginning to fill with worry.

  They finally reached their destination, and exited the car. Derek looked at her expectantly, gesturing towards Katie. Esther nodded, and then scooped up Katie, gently tossing her onto her back. Katie looked surprised, but then relaxed into Esther as they entered the rugged jungle.

  Esther then felt Katie nuzzle her hair, and she froze. She felt a tingling sensation on her neck, something she had never felt before. She felt the sparks of electricity lighting up her skin where Katie nuzzled her, and then immediately gritted her teeth, trying to ignore it.

  They then moved, Derek and Esther whipping through the trees swiftly and gracefully as they headed for the Korubo tribe.

  Chapter 12

  Finally, they reached the tribe. All around them, native people milled about, not even noticing them as they gracefully touched down in the middle of the tribe. Suddenly, everyone saw them, and the entire village was in uproars.

  Weapons were drawn as the native people shouted in a language Esther didn’t understand, but she simply stared them down. They looked at the three of them with fear and continued to shout as Esther let Katie down off of her back.

  Derek looked around at the people of the tribe who were pointing spears at them and holding what looked light blow darts and snarled, revealing his pointed teeth. The cries of the people grew louder, and they backed off, screeching as most of the women and children entered their dwellings and hid.