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Esther's Progeny Page 5

  As she leaned forward to lay Katie’s head down, she found herself focusing on her lips, only a few inches from her face. She then saw the look in Katie’s eyes, and leaned down, gently pressing her lips against Katie’s. Her lips were soft and sweet, and as their lips met, Esther felt a whole new level of emotions that she had never experienced before. Her body was on fire as they gently kissed.

  Katie pulled away all of a sudden, blushing. Esther looked at her, confused.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, suddenly worried that her feelings weren’t returned.

  She once again felt like a helpless child as the juvenile thought crossed her mind.

  “It’s just, I…” She struggled to find the right words.

  She looked away, trying not to make eye contact with Esther as she spoke.

  “I don’t know,” She said nervously.

  “It’s alright. Ever since you came into my life, everything has been different,” Esther said, shoving her pride away and trying hard to be honest.

  She was having a lot of trouble expressing herself, and almost couldn’t breath as the words fought their way out of her mouth.

  “I…I feel alive around you,” Esther said quietly, embarrassed.

  Katie looked at her, her eyes wide, before she wrapped her hands around Esther’s neck and pulled her to her, kissing her passionately.

  “I do, too,” She whispered.

  They kissed deeply, and Esther climbed onto the bed next to her. She laid down, kissing her softly as she stroked her hair. As they embraced, she felt complete, like she had finally found her other half. She almost wanted to cry, as her feelings of passion were overwhelming.

  Katie continued to kiss her passionately, their tongues intertwining as they expressed their feelings for one another.

  As she pulled off Katie’s pants, she gently bit her upper thigh, sucking on her blood as Katie groaned above her. Although she was a Vampire now, the orgasmic effects of her venom still did their magic, throwing Katie into a world of ecstasy.

  She then moved up her body, kissing her once more before exposing her neck to Katie’s lips.

  Katie hesitated, not knowing what to do.

  “It’s okay,” She whispered, urging her on.

  Katie sunk her teeth into Esther’s neck, drinking deeply. As Katie’s venom rushed through Esther’s body, she almost fainted at the ecstatic feeling filled her.

  They both were in their own world of lust, passion, and longing, and continued to express themselves throughout the day, until night fell once more.

  Chapter 17

  After a few hours of sleep, they both awoke, opening the shades and revealing the sparkling water only feet from their room. The whole situation felt so surreal. Esther hadn’t had feelings like this before, in all of her years. She felt like they were meant to be together.

  She felt so blessed to be together on Maldives with Katie, yet she wondered if their attraction was really a curse. What if they couldn’t figure out how to save her? Would she be forced to lose the one person in 200 years who had made her feel alive again?

  She shook herself, ridding herself of the sorrowful thoughts and once again focusing on the present. Katie was bent over the Jacuzzi tub, filling it with hot water as she gazed out of the windows, once again awestruck by the beautiful glowing waters.

  Esther admired Katie as she laid on the bed, trying to memorize every part of her body, just in case. Her long, brown locks as they fell over her strong shoulders. Her soft, supple skin and the smooth curve of her back. She felt both aroused and saddened as she drank in the gorgeous, dying woman before her.

  Esther tried not to cry as she watched Katie slowly lower herself into the steaming water. She turned her head and smiled at Esther, beckoning for her to join her in the tub. Esther blinked away the tears and returned the smile, waltzing over to the tub and lowering herself down into the water.

  The water felt warm on her cold skin, and she sighed, scooting over to lean on Katie. They sat together in the tub, looking out over the sandy beach and down to the glittering waters below. Katie sighed, leaning back onto Esther.

  It was then that Esther really noticed the change within herself. She had been a ruthless, ancient monster only a week ago. She had killed the woman in her cellar, had her way with the man in Salem, yet here she was, snuggling with Katie in a hot tub. It was like she had become an entirely new person, a person that she barely recognized. She pulled back, staring at Katie curiously.

  “What?” Katie said, looking at her questioningly.

  “I have killed people,” Esther replied.

  “Yeah?” Katie said nonchalantly.

  “I mean, I am – or rather, I was – a monster.”

  Katie looked at her, confused.

  “A monster?” She asked.

  “Yeah…” Esther said quietly.

  “I killed people, I didn’t feel anything, I just did what I wanted, whenever I wanted, without caring about anyone or anything. I was ruthless and cold…” She trailed off, deep in thought as she recalled her past.

  Katie looked at her thoughtfully.

  “You are a Vampire. Isn’t that how Vampire’s are supposed to act?” Katie said, smiling.

  “I guess…But, you changed everything…” Esther said, her voice shaking.

  Katie nodded.

  “I know, I feel the same way. I feel like a completely different person around you.”

  Esther’s eyes brimmed with tears.

  “I was so cold, and so selfish, and I am so sorry,” Her voice shook with emotion as she spoke.

  Katie’s eyes widened, finally understanding.

  “Oh no, Esther. Don’t do this to yourself. There was no way for you to know what was going to happen. I mean heck, I am a Seer and I didn’t even see this coming.”

  Esther attempted to swallow her tears as she looked at Katie. She saw the sincerity in her eyes and nodded, wiping her eyes with her fists.

  “I never meant for you to die,” She said.

  “I know, Esther, I know you didn’t want this. I know you don’t want this. But, at the very least, I get to spend the last few weeks with someone I love,” Katie said.

  Esther looked up at her.


  It was a word she had never used before, not even with her fiancée when she was mortal. She had never felt the need to say it before, but as she heard the word escape Katie’s soft lips, she knew that it was true. After 200 years of life, she had finally found someone she could love.

  “I love you, too.”

  Katie smiled and leaned in, wrapping her arms around Esther’s neck. As she returned the embrace, she felt another tear slip from her eye and slide down her cheek. She pulled Katie into her forcefully, never wanting to let her go.

  Suddenly, her emotions all mixed together into a wave of passion, and she kissed Katie more forcefully, determined to express her love.

  Chapter 18

  After Katie had gone to sleep once more, Esther immediately moved to her laptop, checking for news on her search for a remedy for Katie’s situation. She scrolled through the very long list of responses, sighing in frustration as she tried to sift through the scams. Most of them seemed false, offering her healing techniques involving voodoo and sacrifices, magic objects and even pills and injections.

  It seemed like there was no hope until she noticed one of the messages, titled I know a Vampire-Seer crossbreed. It didn’t seem like much, but Esther clicked on it, trying not to get her hopes too high as she scrolled down to read the message.

  I know a man who was a Seer who was then turned into a Vampire. I was in love with this man, and did everything in my power to save him. I discovered a treatment that has kept him alive for 5 years now. I can help. Please contact me.

  Esther felt hope swell in her throat as she replied to the message.

  Where are you? We will come immediately.

  Esther clicked the send button, sitting back in the chair and sighing. She suddenly felt
the urge to pray, a feeling she hadn’t had since she was mortal.

  She glanced back at Katie’s sleeping form before pondering the idea. She had never been religious, even as a mortal. It had simply been what everyone around her taught her to believe as she grew up. She had attended church along with the rest of the town but she never truly believed in God. And, once she was turned into a Vampire, it only cemented her suspicions. Of course there wasn’t a God, right?

  With a world full of Vampires, Witches, Seers, and more, plus all of the hate, crime, and destruction, how could there be? She had never once believed in a higher power, but suddenly, she wished there was one.

  She closed her eyes, sending up a mental prayer to whatever force might hear her.

  Please, if anyone is up there, God or otherwise, please help me save Katie. She doesn’t deserve this. She deserves to live.

  With that, she opened her eyes, staring at the screen once more, hoping that something had heard her and would grant her the only wish she had ever had.

  She continued to stare at the screen for a while, trying to rid her mind of its constantly chaotic thoughts. Suddenly, she saw a notification in the corner of the window, and sat forward quickly.

  She clicked the message, seeing the response. Her heart once more filled with hope as she read the words on the screen. A smile played on her lips as she opened up a map in the other window. She clicked the search bar, her fingers trembling with excitement as she typed.

  Ogboinbiri, Nigeria

  As the map centered on the edge of Nigeria where it met the Gulf of Guinea, she smiled once again, and began mapping their flight route as Katie slept silently behind her.

  Chapter 19

  Esther had crawled into the large, heart shaped bed with Katie a few hours later, after making sure her plans were set in order. She awoke just as night was falling outside of their suite, and shook Katie gently.

  Katie yawned, stretching, before rolling over and smiling at Esther. She immediately embraced her, snuggling close to her new lover, before asking her a question.

  “So, what is our plan for today?”

  Esther smiled brightly, full of excitement as she told Katie the news.

  “I found someone that might be able to help you,” She said.

  Katie’s eyes widened, and she smiled.

  “Really? Where are they? When can we go see them?” Katie gushed.

  “Everything is in order, we leave in an hour,” Esther said happily.

  Katie smiled once again, and then practically jumped on top of Esther, hugging her tightly.

  “Thank you for not giving up on me,” She said quietly.

  Esther once again felt touched, and almost burst into tears on the spot. She had truly become a different person, she realized.

  Like an overemotional teenage girl, she thought to herself, once again irritated by her uncontrollable and irrational emotions.

  Katie saw the annoyance in Esther’s eyes and looked at her curiously, and Esther shook her head.

  “It’s hard to get used to having so many emotions around you. I was so cold for so long, I feel…I don’t know, weak? Immature? I don’t know how to handle all of these feelings.”

  Katie smiled, looking deep into Esther’s eyes.

  “Well, I guess that’s love, right? A constant roller coaster of unexplained and stupid, irrational emotions?” She said, giggling.

  Esther smiled.

  “I guess so,” She said quietly.

  Katie leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, and Esther felt herself once again consumed by electricity running through her veins. The kiss ended too soon, and Esther almost began to pout like a child, but stopped herself before Katie noticed.

  Katie got off of her, grabbing her clothes off of the floor and began to dress herself.

  “Well, if we leave in an hour, we had better start getting ready to go!” She said happily as she tried to put on her bra.

  Esther then noticed that she was having a lot of trouble with the snaps. Her hands were shaking as she tried to hook the bra together in front of her, and the elastic band kept pulling free from her grasp. Esther immediately moved to help her, gently clasping the bra together and helping her turn in around her body.

  She noticed how thin and pale she looked as she pushed her straps up over her bony shoulders, and felt her heart wrench in pain. Her shoulder blades were hard and noticeable as her taunt skin stretched around them.

  “Sorry, I guess I am getting weaker,” Katie said, avoiding her eyes.

  “It’s okay, Katie. I am here for you,” Esther said, rubbing her arms up and down encouragingly.

  Katie shook her head, and Esther saw the tears shining in her eyes before she moved away, focusing on packing up her suitcase, readying for their departure.

  Esther once again found herself wanting to pray, and silently sent out her wishes to whatever God might be listening. She then moved to pack her own bags, picking up the clothes that were strewn about the room and stuffing them a little too forcefully into her bag as her emotions threatened to spill over.

  Chapter 20

  She landed the plane with ease in Nigeria. As they stepped off of the plane, they felt the intense heat and thick humidity. Esther almost wanted to turn back because of how uncomfortable it was. She then looked down at the piece of paper in her hand, the message from the woman, and pointed.

  “We need to head in that direction. The sun shouldn’t be up for a few hours, so we should be okay. It’s not too far from here,” She said.

  Esther picked up Katie, feeling her thin frame in her arms, and began to run. She ran faster than normal, letting out some of her emotions as she tore through the jungle. She expertly dodged all obstacles as they moved at lightning speed, and made it to the Witch’s hut in no time.

  The hut was small and falling apart, and the only thing that made it seem less than primitive was the huge satellite dish sitting on the ground next to it.

  As she set foot in front of the Witch’s old, run down shack, the curtain in front of the doorway moved and an old, frail woman stepped out, peering at them curiously.

  Esther gently set Katie down and looked at the old woman, nodding.

  “I am the one who contacted you online. This is Katie, the crossbreed I spoke of,” She said, gesturing to Katie.

  The woman didn’t say a word, only nodding at them before turning back and entering her hut. Katie looked at Esther, fear in her eyes, and Esther nodded. Something was off, she could feel it in her bones. Still, this might be her last chance, and she couldn’t give up now.

  They both stepped into the hut, and were immediately engulfed by the smell. It was dark and dingy, and smelled of dead things. Herbs and plants hung from the ceiling, and shrines laden with rotting food were littered about the single room.

  They made their way inside, and that was when Esther saw it.

  It was a small symbol painted on the wall. It was almost unnoticeable, except for its bold, purple color, standing out against the tan wall. She looked closely and saw the familiar symbol and felt her heart sink into her stomach.

  It was a circle with two large V’s drawn in the center, both opposite each other, their tips breaching the circle and pointing outwards. It was the mark of the Vampire Hunter.

  “We need to go,” Esther said, looking around.

  The old woman was nowhere in sight.

  “What?” Katie whispered.

  “We need to get out of here, now!” Esther said, turning towards the door.

  The old woman was suddenly standing before her, and large knife in her hand.

  The knife was dripping with something, and one whiff told her what it was. Colloidal silver. A liquid concentrated with millions of tiny particles of silver. One of the most ingenious inventions the Hunters had ever come up with. A powerful Vampire bug spray.

  “Katie, go! I am right behind you!” She yelled, grabbing the old woman’s arm as it came towards her.

  A drop of liquid dripp
ed onto her arm and she screeched as it burned like acid on her skin. The old woman was surprisingly strong, and Esther fought with her, struggling as flecks of liquid silver flung from the blade, hitting her face and exposed arms.

  She saw Katie move past them and out the door into the night. The old woman continued her assault, moving with an unnatural amount of ease up against a 200 year old Vampire.

  Esther finally managed to throw the old woman across the room. She collided with the wall, herbs and other unknown things falling from the shelves and smashing onto the floor. As one of the containers smashed open, the liquid inside burst into flames. The fire spread quickly, engulfing half of the hut in seconds as the woman tried and failed to get up.

  As Esther moved to leave, her newfound emotions suddenly reached out to her, telling her to help the old woman. She shook the thoughts away though, her anger taking over as she smiled at the woman on the floor.

  The woman looked up at her with pleading eyes and Esther turned on her heel, leaving the burning hut with the old Hunter inside.

  She ran through the forest, finding sick satisfaction as she heard the structure collapse, drowning out the last of the old woman’s screams.

  She saw Katie in the distance, who was crying as she sat on a log. Esther took a seat next to her, rubbing her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

  “She was a Vampire Hunter,” Esther explained.

  “I am so sorry I brought you here. I never meant for this to happen. I was just so…naïve. I wanted to believe that I could save you, and I leapt into this like a child and put us both in danger. I am so sorry,” She said, swallowing her sobs.

  Katie’s shoulders continued to shake as she cried, and she leaned into Esther’s embrace.

  “It’s okay,” She sobbed quietly.

  Esther felt her sorrow as she sobbed in her arms and knew that she was lying.

  No, it most definitely is not okay, she thought angrily as she stroked Katie’s hair.