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Esther's Progeny Page 7

  They continued to dance the night away, laughing and having the time of their lives, when the crowd around them thinned and the ball finally ended. As they got back into the car, Katie was breathless and laughing, high on the experience.

  “That was so much fun,” She said breathlessly.

  Esther nodded, smiling at her.

  She was so happy that Katie was able to have some fun before the end. She sighed deeply, happy and hurting at the same time as she started up the car. The drive back to the house was full of chatter as Katie relived every moment of their night again and again.

  “And did you see that guy hitting on me? I don’t think I have ever had a guy come on so strong! It was amazing!” She ranted.

  Esther sighed once more as they turned into the driveway, feeling herself fill with sadness once again.

  Katie was so young, she realized. She had so much that she had never experienced.

  She wiped away a tear as she exited the vehicle, hiding her face from Katie.

  Chapter 26

  The next night, Esther woke up early to see Katie sleeping deeply beside her. Her skin was even paler than before, and she was rasping as she breathed. Esther snuck out of bed, slipping out into dusk as she went down the street.

  She was planning something special for them, and had to make sure that everything was in order. She started up the car, heading to her destination with excitement in her heart.

  She stopped in at the local mall, buying the things she needed before calling and confirming their reservation. She then headed home, glad to see that Katie was still sleeping. She crawled into bed next to her, watching her as she slept, waiting for her to wake.

  Shortly after, she saw Katie stirring, and gently kissed her on the mouth, easing her into the world of the waking. She felt Katie’s mouth form into a smile as she awoke, and she pressed her mouth harder, more passionately as she did.

  Katie returned the kiss, and they began to make love once more in her bed. As they loved and drank from one another, Esther couldn’t help but feel excited at her plan. As they finally finished, Katie slumped back into the bed, exhausted, as Esther reached over for the box on the dresser.

  She kneeled on the bed, naked, as she opened the little box.

  Katie’s eyes widened and she smiled broadly, seeing the diamond ring inside.

  “Katie, when you came into my life, something inside of me awakened. I had been in the dark for so long, and you brought me into the light. You make me feel alive. Will you marry me?” She asked.

  Katie’s eyes were filled with tears as she nodded, lunging at Esther and hugging her tightly as she sobbed.

  “Yes,” She cried.

  Esther placed the ring on her finger and then got out of bed, going for the closet.

  She pulled out two dress bags, and then handed one to Katie.

  “Get dressed, then,” She said, smiling.

  Katie unzipped the bag to see the most beautiful white dress she had ever laid eyes on. She gasped, and then rushed to get ready. It was slim and light, with delicate beading. It was beautiful, and she beamed at herself in the mirror.

  Esther then came into the room, wearing a similar white dress, and smiled.

  “You look beautiful,” she whispered as she gazed lovingly at Katie.

  “You do, too,” Katie said.

  They then left, Esther driving them to the garden she had booked.

  The garden was like a fairy tale. The elegant walkway was laden with white flower petals and they were surrounding by bright, sparkling lights. They walked through the majestic archway and down the long walkway, Katie gaping at the elegant set up.

  They reached the alter, a white archway covered in vines and large, white flowers. A woman was waiting for them, and she began to officiate.

  The ceremony was gorgeous and intimate, and although they weren’t legally married, it was more than enough for both of them. As they said their ‘I do’s’ and exchanged their rings, Esther could see that Katie had never been happier in her life.

  Finally, they kissed, sealing their love in their embrace. It was like no kiss either of them had ever experienced, and the entire world melted away. They were no longer lovers, friends, Vampires, or destined for death. They were simply love, kissing there, and felt nothing else.

  The ceremony ended too soon, and before they knew it, they were heading back home.

  They held hands, rubbing each other’s rings as they went.

  “Thank you for doing this,” Katie said, crying a little from the emotion.

  “I didn’t want to die without ever getting married, or ever loving someone, and you have given me all of that,” She said.

  Esther was crying as she smiled at her.

  “I just want you to be happy,” She said.

  They pulled up into the driveway and exited the car.

  Katie swayed a little, almost falling over before Esther caught her.

  “I need to lay down,” She said, her voice suddenly hoarse.

  Esther could see the pain in her eyes, and saw her struggling to breath.

  She lifted Katie up, carrying her over the threshold and then bringing her upstairs, laying her down gently in the bed. She was breathing hard, and wincing in pain, and her eyes were closed.

  Esther saw the blue tint in her lips and knew that the end was coming.

  She fought back tears as she laid down next to Katie, taking her in her arms.

  “Katie, I love you,” She said quietly, kissing her on the forehead.

  Katie was shaking in her arms.

  “I want to tell you my story,” Esther said.

  Chapter 27

  Esther began to tell her tale as Katie shook in her arms.

  “My name is Esther Nightingale, and I was born in England in 1765. I was born to a poor family, and we lived in poverty and filth for most of my mortal life. I was an only child.”

  She tried to remain calm as she felt Katie calm down. She looked down worriedly, fearing the worst, and then Katie moved to look at her. She continued her story, relieved.

  “When I was 17 years old, my father sold me to a wealthy man from the south, who was obsessed with my beauty. Or, at least, that is what he claimed. I was flattered, and of course convinced myself that I was in love with him, and our engagement was set. We were to be married the following month.

  “One night, someone broke into my family’s home and murdered them. He was a Vampire, and I watched as he sucked my mother and father dry,” Esther said, her voice shaking.

  Katie’s eyes were wide as she heard this part.

  Esther continued, her emotions running wild within her.

  “He then turned me, and I became a Vampire. The first few months are a blur. I don’t know how many people I hurt. I was out of control. The thirst was too much,” She said, looking away, embarrassed.

  She saw Katie practically begging for more, and continued.

  “After the thirst died down, the power consumed me. I manipulated myself into wealth, and spent my days travelling the world. I saw the Salem Witch Trials, I attended Martin Luther King’s speech, I was there when JFK was assassinated.”

  Esther looked down into Katie’s eyes, and saw the hurt still there.

  “I tried to stay in America, fearful of the Vampire who had turned me back in England.”

  Katie once again began to shake as Esther spoke, and she rushed to continue her story before it was too late.

  “I was ruthless and cold, until one night, in a club, I came across a strange girl. Turns out she was a Seer, and being the selfish ass I was, I tried to turn her into a Vampire. I doomed her instead, and regret it to this day.”

  Esther choked down a sob and saw the sadness in Katie’s eyes.

  “The more time I spent with this girl, the more I felt. She infuriated me, and frustrated me, and I didn’t know what was happening. Suddenly, I was filled with hundreds of emotions after being empty for my entire life.

  “Turns out this girl that I had
doomed was the only one in 200 years to steal my heart. She was the most important person in my life. The only one I had ever loved.”

  She looked down and saw Katie smiling, her eyes filled with tears.

  “The only one I would ever love,” Esther said softly as she looked into Katie’s eyes.

  Tears were streaming down Katie’s face as she smiled, her body still shaking. Her lips were blue now, and her skin was almost as white as the beautiful wedding dress she was still wearing.

  Suddenly, she shook harder, and she spoke.

  “Esther, I’m scared,” She said, sobbing.

  Esther felt her heart break.

  “I am here, I will be with you until the end,” She whispered, holding Katie tightly.

  Her body started to convulse, and Esther squeezed her eyes shut.

  “I love you,” Katie managed out, her voice raspy.

  Her breaths began to quicken, and she tensed up in Esther’s arms. Esther held her tighter, hugging her as tight as she could as she felt the life leave her body.

  She was crying, crying as hard as she had ever cried as she felt Katie’s body go still in her arms.

  She opened her eyes, seeing the lifeless body of the only one she had ever loved in her arms.

  She then felt her world collapse, and whispered.


  There was no response, and she said it again, this time more desperately.

  “Katie? Katie?!” She called, and began rocking back and forth, holding her one true love’s body close.

  “Katie!” She screamed as tears rolled down her face.

  Her love was gone. The only one she had ever loved was no longer in this world.

  She felt the most sorrow, the most pain she had ever experienced. She sobbed for what seemed like hours as she rocked Katie in her arms. Her beautiful wedding dress was covered in Esther’s tears.

  Finally, she calmed down, her insides numbing as she realized what she had to do. She carried Katie’s beautiful body downstairs and outside, walking down the street and all the way to the cemetery. She walked to Katie’s parent’s grave, and laid her down gently on the ground.

  “I am so sorry,” Esther said to Katie’s mom and dad.

  She then got a shovel and began to dig, and buried Katie in her wedding dress beside her mother and father.

  She took a rock and easily carved her name below her parents on the gravestone.

  Katie Anderson

  The most beautiful girl in the world.

  Esther filled the hole, and then kissed her hand, pressing her palm against Katie’s name carved into the stone.

  “I will never forget you, and I will always love you,” She whispered as tears streamed down her face.

  She then fell to her knees once more, her pain consuming her. She cried loudly, screaming to the heaven’s as she grieved.

  Her only love have died. She was gone, forever.